For all Artists aged 16 and up

– Sun 2nd Feb 6.30pm
– Tues 11th of Feb 6.30pm
– Fri 28th of Feb 7.30pm
– Tues 11th of March 6.30pm

Price: $195 for 2 ½ hour class
Join WhatEva and Art and Soul to hand make your own one off jewellery piece. Using the lost wax method, the choice is yours to make a ring, pendant and or keychain.

Design your own personal piece
Learn the lost wax jewellery method and techniques involved
Choice of either making a ring, pendant, or keychain
Make your mini Masterpiece
Take home  your one of a kind beautiful piece

What is included:
– A specific amount of wax to be casted into sterling silver
– Choice of going over the limit and paying extra on the night
– 2 ½ hour lesson learning the lost wax casting method and the tools and techniques

– A unique fun experience
– All equipment, tools, and wax to be used during the class
– Your work will be professionally cast and polished given to you shortly after

Cost breakdown:
For 2 ½ hours, $195 covers 2 grams of wax that will be turned into sterling silver. There will be extra expenses if more wax/silver is required.

The lost wax and casting method
The lost wax casting technique is a method used by jewellers and artists to create unique, detailed pieces that usually can not be made in the hand-fabricated process. In wax, you are able to bend, carve, shape, melt, file, and texture your piece. The creative possibilities are endless. This process makes a model of your piece, to then be casted into your chosen alloy
(metal). We outsource this process to be professionally done. This ensures your piece will be casted exactly as you made it.

hand-fabricated silver ring workshop

Beginner friendly, ages 16 and up!

– Fri 14th of Feb 7.30pm
– Fri 14th of March 7.30pm
– Tues 18th of March 6.30pm
– Sat 15th of March 6.30pm

$195 2 ½ hour class
Immerse yourself into the jewellery making world by joining Art and Soul x WhatEva. You’ll take a deep dive into hand making sterling silver rings. Using traditional techniques, learn how jewellery artisans make their very own rings.

Design your own personal rings
Learn all the basic techniques used to make sterling silver rings
Bring your rings to life using the techniques learnt with the supplied materials and tools
– Instantly walk away with 2 mini Masterpieces on the night

– 2 x Sterling Silver bands to work with
– 2 ½ hour lesson on the basics of crafting sterling silver rings
– Lesson on how to use the tools provided

In this class you will have the choice of using:

a 1 x 5mm width silver band OR 1x 3mm width
band AND 1 x 2mm round wire. Choose either one wide width band or two thin ones. We will
teach you everything that is involved in creating these rings. Various techniques will be
shown to you to then decide how you make and design your own piece.